lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

The landscape collector

Winter sensations

We would tend to think there is nothing appealing in the cold and cloudy winter… but it is a time in fact impressive to all those who can actually appreciate its austere beauty… 

Beyond its fields burnt by the frost, the woods sullen and lifeless and the streams twisting in agony beneath the ice, winter January days are not only a matter of dramatic landscapes to be contemplated... 

Wet and windy days are also an opportunity to feel one’s lively inner heat, to sense the miracle of life defying the harsh conditions, or to plunge oneself into home's heat enjoyment.

Grey short winter days take not only their part into the amazing cycle of nature, the earthly cycle of death and regrowth...

Its sights and sounds take also a part of our own yearly cycle.

January nights are the time for the evoking eagle owl mating hoot to be heard in the "atmospheric" twilight, or the tawny owl to be spotted between the bare tree architectural filigree of branches and twigs.

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